Schedule a Meeting

Schedule a Meeting

Appointment Request Platform For Investors, Govt. Agencies & Citizens. Welcome to your ultimate tool for streamlined and efficient meeting management. Our Meeting Scheduling Module is designed to save you me and ensure that all your meetings are organized seamlessly.
Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use the Module to Schedule a Meeting
Step 1 :Access the Module Log in to your account or create your accounts and navigate to the meeting scheduling section. Click on "Schedule a Meeting" to get started
Step 2 :Access the Module Log in to your account or create your accounts and navigate to the meeting scheduling section. Click on "Schedule a Meeting" to get started
Step 3 :Access the Module Log in to your account or create your accounts and navigate to the meeting scheduling section. Click on "Schedule a Meeting" to get started
Step 4 :Access the Module Log in to your account or create your accounts and navigate to the meeting scheduling section. Click on "Schedule a Meeting" to get started
Step 5 :Access the Module Log in to your account or create your accounts and navigate to the meeting scheduling section. Click on "Schedule a Meeting" to get started
Brief Guide on How to Reschedule or Cancel a MeetingReschedule a Meeting
Cancel a MeetingGo to the meeting details page.
Click on "Cancel Meeting".
Confirm the cancellation.
All attendees will receive a cancellation notice.
BIDA Corporate Office Kisan Bazar, Talpura,Jhansi, U.P. 284002
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+91 7839027168
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