Land Acquisition Management System (LAMS)

BIDA's Land Acquisition Management System (LAMS) Modules for All Your Online Needs!

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Land Acquisition Management System (LAMS)

Key features of LAMS enhance user experience and operational effectiveness. These include plot map visualisation, monitoring of the land acquisition process, analysis of owner and family trees, valuation of plots and assets, detection of encroachments, and tracking of legal litigations. The system also offers a query builder for generating MIS reports based on various plot characteristics.

Key Features:-
• Plot Map Visualization: Simplifies the understanding of land layouts.
• Land Acquisition Process Monitoring: Keeps track of the acquisition process efficiently.
• Owner & Family Tree Analysis: Helps in identifying land ownership details.
• Plot & Asset Valuation: Assists in evaluating plot and asset value.
• Encroachment Detection: Identifies unauthorised use of land.
• Legal & Litigation Tracking: Monitors ongoing legal matters related to land.

Revolutionizing Convenience: Land Acquisition Management System (LAMS) Program Launching Soon to Empower and Connect Our Community!
